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not wanted造句

  • Giuliani is now forcefully telling Cortines that he is not wanted.
  • At 67, even he had not wanted to run again.
  • Nothing regrows faster than grass where it's not wanted.
  • I've just not wanted to be defined by that.
  • No march should enter any area where they are not wanted.
  • I do know, however, when I am not wanted.
  • If contributions are not wanted then I wont try to contribute.
  • They know they are not wanted where they came from.
  • European leadership has not wanted to do anything about it.
  • Others have not wanted to undercut their individual efforts to befriend Beijing.
  • It's difficult to see not wanted in a sentence. 用not wanted造句挺难的
  • I feel like my attitude as a person is not wanted here.
  • He's made Robinson look like he's not wanted.
  • The message this sends is minorities are not wanted in the universities.
  • I feel like I'm not wanted ."
  • The nearest country, Pakistan, said they were not wanted there.
  • Then you're told you're not wanted.
  • Nobody ever gets used to being told they're not wanted.
  • The Serb family responsible for her had not wanted the extra baggage.
  • He's not wanted in any country,"
  • We have not wanted to spend a lot of time on it.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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